Elderly woman with yellow jump at the door smiling

What we do

Kent Small Good Stuff does two things:

We link people who need care or support with local people who might help.

We help small organisations that offer care or support. We provide them with information, publicity and access to a friendly network.

Man and Woman playing UNO

What we believe

We're the friendly website that believes:

People want care and support at times and in ways that suit them.

Local people helping other local people is good for everyone and for communities.

Very small organisations can offer great care and be imaginative and responsive.

Very small organisations struggle to tell people what they can offer (they don’t have huge marketing budgets like the big guys).

Looking for care or support?

We can help you find local support

If you are looking for some help or support please search on our directory using your postcode to find local people who can help – we call the people and small organisations on our directory community micro-enterprises.

Interested in offering care or support?

Community micro-enterprise project in Kent

Community Catalysts are pleased to announce that the project in Kent is transferring into Kent County Council as of 4th November 2024. The project will continue to stimulate the development and growth of community micro-enterprises across the county, providing a wide range of help and support to older people, people with disabilities, and people with mental health challenges, both at home and in the community.

If you are interested in starting an enterprise (or diversifying an existing set-up) in the Kent area, please contact one of the people below who can provide further information and explain how they can support with your plans:

North and West Kent – Nicole Monahan – Nicole.Monahan@kent.gov.uk

East and South Kent – Katy Overhead – Katy.Overhead@kent.gov.uk