Some things to think about when you're looking for care or support
Find out moreFood and drink, Help in the home or garden, Hobbies and interests, Personal care, Socialising, companionship and friendship,
care4u offers a range of personalised and individually tailored care and support services which are delivered by self employed carer, Barbara Nayyar.
I have ten years’ experience in health and social care, and during this time I have worked with older people, people with a learning and/or physical disability, people living with dementia, and people in need of palliative care
I now specialise in live-in care and I can assist with all sorts of things in addition to personal care including laundry, shopping, and paperwork. I can also work with you so that you get to enjoy the things in life that you like doing whether this be swimming, walks, going to church, going to concerts or anything else you like doing.
I have been self-employed since 2010 and I have a NVQ2 Diploma in Health and Social Care and a UK driving license. I am trained in all aspects of care, including manual handling, medicine dispensing, peg – feeding, use of equipment, first aid, and preparing meals.
I love my work and take pride in my talent to communicate with people of all ages and make them feel comfortable to express their needs and accept my help while taking care not to intrude on their privacy.
Last Updated: 18th July, 2014
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