Some things to think about when you're looking for care or support
Find out moreAccommodation, Advice and information, Arts including music, drama, craft and art, Counselling and therapies, Dance, Education, training and learning, Food and drink, Health and wellbeing including therapies, Help in the home or garden, Hobbies and interests, Holidays and short breaks, Personal care, Planning and representation including advocacy and Support Planning, Socialising, companionship and friendship, Sport and active pursuits, Support to manage money, User led,
Living Together Healthcare Ltd is a CQC registered provider. We provide 24 hour person-centred support for adults aged 18–65 years old who are living with mental health and may have a secondary diagnosis such as learning disability who may also need assistance with personal care.
Living Together Healthcare Ltd recognises that people living with mental health conditions can find it challenging to live alone, to manage day to day tasks and often experience difficulty in finding and keeping a home. Therefore, we provide a therapeutic home environment for people to live with support from our trained staff to enable them to develop life skills and independence. The support provided is person-centred and specifically tailored to meet every unique need, underpinned by our philosophy that every individual has the right to live the life they choose for themselves. Our ambition is to promote social integration, empowerment and autonomy with activities of daily living which includes, cooking, cleaning, budgeting and/or work and education.
We support people to follow individual treatment plans, improve access to other services, accelerate treatment provision, hence preventing crisis.
We support all service users to acquire a house, manage it and sign tenancy agreements.
Areas: Birmingham
Languages: English
Last Updated: 26th July, 2024
308 Quinton Rd West
B32 1PH
Please be aware that the information below has been supplied by this provider. Small Good Stuff hasn't checked that it is true and accurate so you might want to do this yourself.
Registered with the care regulator for CQC Date of registration: 15/01/2024