Some things to think about when you're looking for care or support
Find out moreAdvice and information, Arts including music, drama, craft and art, Counselling and therapies, Equipment, Food and drink, Gardening and horticulture, Health and wellbeing including therapies, Hobbies and interests, Holidays and short breaks, Socialising, companionship and friendship, Sport and active pursuits, Support for carers, Support to manage money, Transport, Work or volunteering,
Space Inclusive is a Nottinghamshire based person centred organisation designed to support young people with ASD and/or Learning Difficulties through key transitional times.
Set up by two former special school teachers, Space Inclusive applies some structure to creative approaches to help offer our clients activities that are meaningful, exciting and purposeful for the future.
We have 3 key areas of focus. These are entry to employment, skills for life and social friendships/social interaction.
Employment aims to provide meaningful and realistic work experience placement that have the opportunity to lead to paid employment opportunities. In addition, this strand also encourages clients to keep to a routine and place emphasis on being prompt, reliable and well presented.
Skills for life covers many areas including bus travel, home skills, skills for work (before accessing a work place environment) and money management.
Finally, social interaction. Our services place real emphasis on making sure the importance of community invention is recognised by the community, as well as the client and their families. We offer many activities that will promote team working. These can vary from sports to social interaction through Art/Music and Drama based activities (including therapeutic approaches).
We also offer evening social opportunities to compliment our day time programme.
Last Updated: 2nd May, 2024
20 Pelham Road
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