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Our May newsletter is out!

This month we’re talking about working together.

  • A Community Book Story: Part 2
  • NIHR Local Authority Academic Fellowship Programme
  • Job Vacancy
  • and more…

Read all about it

A note from Nick

Building Blocks of Better: Working Together

Hello to you and thanks very much for checking out this month’s newsletter.

I hope you’re well?

We have loads of interesting stuff to share this month, as always. One thing that I am particularly excited to share though is that we have started the Local Area Coordination development journey with Nottinghamshire County Council and next month I am going to announce another area too. We are so excited that Local Area Coordination continues to grow during these times and the opportunities that arise to bring the vision to more people and communities across England and Wales. Much, much more to follow soon. Please, as always, watch this space.

This month we’ve been reflecting on the principle of ‘working together’, one of the 10 principles underpinning Local Area Coordination. In Local Area Coordination we say “effective partnerships with individuals/families, communities and services are vital in strengthening the rights and opportunities for people and their families to achieve their vision for a good life, inclusion and contribution.”

Sian Lockwood, our founding CEO of Community Catalysts, who leaves us later on this Summer after over 10 years, reflected on this in her talk at the conference back in December. It is certainly a principle that Sian believes passionately in and one of the main reasons why Local Area Coordination Network became part of Community Catalysts back in 2018 in the first place.

Sian reflected:
“At its most effective ‘working together’ involves people and organisations coming together on an equal footing, to work together on a common goal. Such equality is rare – but embedded in Local Area Coordination. Coordinators walk alongside people as they take steps towards their vision for a good life, working with them, their families and people in the local community as equals. We know that in order to work together well we need to be committed to working together on a basis of equality and respect. Above all, we need to work hard to build up trust as without trust we will waste time and energy on protecting our own interests rather than concentrating on and giving energy to the task in hand.”

Sian left us with this very pertinent question: “Working together well needs trust. How can we build trust between organisations that are competing for scarce resources or a dominant reputation?”

This seems like such an important question as we move into the post-pandemic world and opportunities rise and fall in different places and in different ways. Surely, it is going to be those who have invested heavily in building relationships, trust, and in listening deeply, who are going to make the most of the challenges and opportunities ahead?

As always, your thoughts and ideas are welcomed on all aspects of our work – please do get in touch. Enjoy the Newsletter and all the best to you.
