Personalised Care means people have choice and control over the support they draw on. People are recognised as experts in their own life and decisions are made based on what matters most to them and their individual strengths.
The approach does not focus solely on healthcare, but on the person’s wellbeing and life as a whole, so it often involves a greater variety of people, including families, professionals and people in the wider community.
For Personalised Care to work well, services should be integrated around the person, who is more involved in the decision-making process and co-produces their own care with professional support.
People often develop greater knowledge, skills and confidence as a result, and are empowered to take as much responsibility as they want.
Personalised Care is sometimes referred to as ‘patient-centred care’, ‘person-centred care’ or ‘personalisation’. When we use the term ‘Personalised Care’ our intention is to include all person-centred approaches.